lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2009

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Inquietante: Tiroteos en Bruselas y la policía a por uvas

Transcribo la noticia que he recibido tal cual está. La fuente es seria. Las negritas son mías.

Belgium: recent riots in Brussels show the limits of police action

Some severe incidents took place, those last days in Belgium. Some of them reflect the incapacity of the police to ensure public order and the rule of law in some parts of the capital.

The most important – and very unusual – incidents were located in the south of Brussels (“Forest” area) where, Monday night and for the second consecutive day, unidentified people fired in the air with Kalachnikov automatic gun, in a street, near the Midi Station. Midi station is the local hub for Thalys and Eurostar trains linking Brussels, Paris, London, Köln and Den Haag.

They also fired on buildings and destroyed a bar. No one was hurt. It seems that this unusual action is linked to a rivalry between two street-gangs. Given all the witnesses, the police force took more than two hours to arrive on the scene: the shootings began around 10:30 PM and the police arrived around 00:30 PM.

Sunday night, in the same area, the police forces and firemen were trapped by small groups who attacked them for hours, throwing stones on them.

Those incidents were not isolated ones. At the end of August, for two consecutive days, violent incidents were seen in the West of Brussels (“Molenbeek” area) where hundreds of young people attacked the police with Molotov cocktails and stones, burned cars and destroyed some shops.

The incidents clearly demonstrate the incapacity of the police forces to maintain public order in some parts of the capital increasingly becoming grey zones where the security forces are extremely reluctant to enter.

Those “grey zones” are mainly located in a part of the following capital’s municipalities: Anderlecht, Forest, Molenbeek, Schaerbeek, Saint-Gilles and Saint-Josse (South West, West and North West of the capital). A part of the very center of the city (between “Midi Station” and “La bourse”, and the crowded shopping street “Rue Neuve”, could be also regarded as “dangerous”, especially at night.



jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Sé la rantré

C'est la rentrée.
Esta foto ha circulado bastante la última semana entre los que estamos en Bruselas. Normalmente corresponde fielmente con la realidad pero este verano nos ha sorprendido con inédito sol y calor en agosto.
¡Qué duro es llevar un blog! ¡Qué fácil es abdicar! Con la de cosas que han pasado: elecciones europeas, los mismos comisarios y sin saber qué va a ser de ellos, los festivales veraniegos bruselenses, los trajes de Camps, la vida que sigue... en fin.
No desfallezcan.